Contract Manufacturer of Wire Harnesses, Cable Assemblies and Electrical Control Panels for OEM’s

Innovative manufacturing solutions to produce precision quality, on time and at a competitive cost. ProSource achieves this though 30+ years of operating experiences, a robust supply chain, reinvestment back into automation, commitment to employee development, and staying focused on remaining ahead of the curve during the ever-changing times.

Lockheed Martin logo
General Electric logo 2
Southwest Airlines logo 2014
Siemens logo 2
Thermo Fisher Scientific logo 2
Stryker logo 3

Wire & Cable

Wire Jumpers to Complex Cable Assemblies

With 30 plus years of experience we’ve seen pretty much every version of wire and cable assembly. From simple high-volume jumpers to massively complex cable assemblies. Our automated machinery helps us stay competitive and hit unrealistic lead times.

Power &
Battery Cables

Large Extra-Flex to Low Strand Battery Cables

Every strand counts. We have precision stripping equipment to make sure the strands are not nicked, cut or compromised. Every Lug is installed using high powered UL approved compression systems. The last thing you want is a battery cable exploding to causing costly and unsafe condition.


Din Rail Assemblies & Turnkey Enclosures

We meet you where you are at. Sometimes our customers want a portion of the assembly completed and others what a total turnkey panel to show up at their door. Either way our supply chain is well established to keep lead times and project costs down!

Why Choose ProSource

On Time Delivery
1 %
Available Capacity
1 %
Years in business

What Matters To You

Select the department that best relates to your current role and we will show you how we can help.

Industries We Serve

icon critical power

Critical Power

icon industrial automation

Industrial Automation

icon oil gas

Oil & Gas

icon medical


icon industrial hvac


icon food beverage

Food & Beverage

icon aviation


icon defense


What Our Clients Have To Say

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